Dissemination Machine

IT, Software Development, cloud, blog, google apps, concurrency, mind training, storehouse, biology, dissemination machine

Nebraska School Rules April 18, 2014

This disgusts me to tell the truth, painting the victim in an odd spot indeed.

Children are our most precious resources for the future? These ‘rules’ pollute them.

school rules – Nebraska

Fuck that.

Fuck that.

I cast this to the rocks with others, appalled to see this exist. who checks this shit?


Rule 1 – Refuse to get mad.

anger as response to bullying is a natural response, often coupled with binding fear.
irrational outcome through use of anger at a situation or element of the students’ life should be avoided where possible.
however, in a system where there are elements far outwith the control of the administration, such events are to be anticipated.

Rule 1 should refer to staff support – how to get it, when to tell your teacher, open rooms, specific teacher requests. a fucking bot they can IM.
you will obey requests for audience from those you serve; if your vocation is genuine you shall accomiddate them an make yourselves available.

If you do not have the maturity for this undertaking or the mental fortitue you will be expected to develop it (teachers).

You will not allow the warping of minds to the tunes of subjectives that have discovered effective, AND CRUEL manipulative influence.

You must correct the behavior in the bully, identify leadership traits that can be extracted from misaction.


Rule 2 Treat the person who is being mean is if they are trying to help you

Absolutely not. Face a beast in behavior before you should it come – and call it by its name.
Run from the beast behavior if it will eat you up and cannot be reasoned with.
Know students that you do shall not need to attempt to reason with outleash of violence, ever, in this space.
Our walls tremble at the sight of it.

Do not allow yourself to be pulled into ways of seeing the world tainted by abuse.

Then inform the community of what has occurred. Bring yourself and your truth, and you will be heard.


Rule 3 do not be afraid

fear will occur. this is natural. channel it. encourage engagement of support. see 2.


Rule 4 do not defend yourself

Students, know that there are encounters in this world where you will be unable to sway the mind of an aggressor.

know that it is not ‘wrong’ to defend yourself from harm.  the bully damages humanity by imposing their will or acts upon you.

you should not feel any inner shame when aggressed by external harms.


Rule 5 do not attack

Agreed. but not because the aggressor is in fact holding twisted well meaning from their perspective as they beat or extort you.

the child victim should not be asked to make this transposition in thought when it outcomes in their suffering – again via visitation of external harms.


Rule 6 If someone physically hurts you just show them you are hurt; do not get angry.

Students, know that there are some you will meet who will derive pleasure in your suffering, in the suffering of others as a result of their actions, or in the execution of their will via manipulative action of any sort.

They will not stop if you cry, they will not say they are sorry.  the behavior they are expressing has come to destroy you.

Survive. report. you serve your community in doing so, should your teachers be worthy of their charges.


Rule 7 – Do not tell on bullies

No.  You must let the community know of the problems it experiences.  This does not mean that those problems cannot be resolved.

Students, know that you do not disturb the school community by calling light to misdeed of harm to others, of harm to self.

More information about the operations of the student community is essential – and students are the direct source.


Rule 8 – Dont be a sore loser

why would this be here at all?  is it to somehow imply that the biological / social ‘loser’ is a person overwhich other can exert will, beat down to submission or survival state, or warp to their liking as plaything?

You disgust me.  These are our most precious resources for the future and you pollute them.


Rule 9 – Learn to laugh at yourself and not get ‘hooked’ by put-downs

what the shit does that mean with relation to bullying?  Constant self reflection and self examination are faciliatated by provision of a stable and safe learning environment where students are not terrorized by one another.

This is not ‘natural animal behavior’ to be encouraged.  this is not survival of the fittest.  this behavior, this ‘bullying’, is disgusting beastly remnant of our legacy.




It is clearly imperative that you improve your messaging and its core.


time capsules and prayer wheels January 20, 2014

what is my loved one doing?

why are their world so separated from mine?
i cannot see into these other places, the vectors of interaction are strange, and unpleasing. rejected by mind.
i long for postcards from where you’ve been.

it is the ones trapped outside that will be most forgotten in the transition to a human/machine enabled self.
reconstructed from the memories of their children.

The human experience must continually be improved. Our less is sloth.

We waste time. playing with hobby horses.


Pride June 2, 2013

Filed under: Biology,Cybernetics,evolution,evolution,expedient means — karmafeast @ 16:23

wanna know a secret? being gay is a choice, as much as is cultivation of any thought patterns. I say this as a gay man with some background in biology and more than a passing interest in mind training.

What is not a choice however are biological reactions that occur when a human body sees what it considers a potential mate. You come hard wired to blush, eye changes, goosebumps etc. and you don’t get to choose when that occurs via external stimulus. A sweeping generalization true – but one that’s held true at least in personal experience and in exhibited behavior from others I’ve seen.

A person can train their mind to suppress upwelling of thought to the point of practical elimination, yet the process of arising seems to come without will. Try being closeted, you’ll see. You become programmed – its not even suffering after a while, you end up seeking solace in hiding in lies.

This twisted cruel built prison, that would deny a person happiness of some kind due to disapproval or hate, is an awful transgression to commit upon humanity and one supported in law. We’ve mixed up bestiality with liking bananas I fear…

We must purge ourselves of this ignorance daily – we resemble too closely animals which would beat to death those with ‘incorrect’ plumage.

How could we ever hope to deal with artificial life we create or whatever comes along if we cannot control even the most simple of biological drives to like self-like and dislike non-like. Differentiation and spite do not have to be axis by which we separate wheat from chaff, worthy from not.

How will we deal with the very real coming fact that we are approaching the end of our dependence on sexes of humans. When same sex couples can have a child we no longer have any quasi-biological ‘excuse’ to be bigoted. I wonder how long we’ll stall looking properly at this, at the barriers in dna methylation etc. How long we’ll try to ban it. Probably until people with power die, seems to be how it is.

So much waiting…

We’ve blessed ourselves with so many layers of intellectualism that we abstract and forget our very primitive, and often disappointingly feral ancestry.

Jealous, petty beasts – we’d strike when we know there’s no competition other than our fear and distaste.

As to being gay – asking / demanding someone to modify their mind so that they suppress the symptomatic expression of thoughts that occur is asking a lot. This is beyond most people, and to be quite frank, it is unreasonable to ask of someone in order to improve ‘your’ life or perceptions within it. You can’t shake mindset out of someone, beat it out of them or convince them of what you believe to be ‘evil’ without causing harm to their mental well being.

We bear no right to do this to each other, yet we do – because there’s more of one group than another and we know we can get away with it.

Why would we do this to ourselves when we realize we have very limited time on this earth? So much is lost with each death and it will continue to be if we don’t pull our heads out of our asses and work to get ourselves out of these decaying bodies, and learn to repair them properly.

Regardless of motivational ‘purity’, one must assess one’s rights to modify the mind of another human – either through social policy which restricts (or makes more expensive) a type of life due to disapproval, or some nonsense arguement about procreation shortage.

Hurry up and continue to hook us up online (properly), this shit will make us laugh when we become more than a single, limited human mind; and maybe feel a little sorrow for those we lost on this trip.


Do not feign ignorance May 8, 2013

Filed under: expedient means — karmafeast @ 09:58
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Beyond #disappointing. The matter#defiles #warriors in arms. Cultivation of the #basest #human #foul of the #mindcoupled with bestial fulfillment in action, word, thought or pustulent cruelty. We disgrace ourselves with every moment of inclarity.

As for universal background checks… In #usa you are afforded #amazing#freedoms, and they will never take your guns.

That is correct. In exchange for the freedoms you are afforded we must consider the individual as part of a society.

As such these freedoms cannot be extended to you in places where security must be assured. Like airports, or downtown or our schools.

There are valuable resources to society in many places in our land.

I think that we must know who bought what, yet our government and people cry that background checks must be universal.

I know a #gunsmith , a brilliant man who can modify an improve rifles. A responsible gun owner, I’d trust with my life. We have, as with many of our trained arms users. That’s awesome. What is not awesome is that shady guy on the end of a corner getting arms



mmo cross pls – cyber generation + galerians + perma char path mark January 10, 2013



it’d be wonderful to see an MMO based on a mashup of cyber generation (in punk the chars get too fast too soon, while in generation you’re in that world but can’t afford to play.  Very different).

powerups / ability funding through galerians style drug abuse.  like plasmids or vigors as more recent examples.

dreamed of a child walking by people coughing on them to infect / hack them.  summoner class with spites (not sprites) like WHFB wood elf trees.

long term use of ‘skills’ etc leads to perma-character marking.  cannot spec out of this marking, persists with character regardless of career – is made up of their choices.  is long term effect of choices.  permanent injuries a la necromunda / psychosis / mental imbalance etc.  indelible.  (might have affect of limiting desire to sell accounts).  consider fallout addiction mechanics with much more detail and no simple ‘click-fix’

you could make a really good one I’d imagine.  there’s a hole too.


also… new 2013 mantra (well if the xlate it in time for 2013 for us poor folk unable to speak Japanese):



single playthrough session or back to the sea with you December 8, 2012

There was something Klepek was up to with another fellow last year.

He’d suspend himself in a crate and travel by freight truck across america, while playing a game.


schools and prisons. in trucks and pools. on the move.

this’ll be like rollercoasters at times.  PS move hook thing might be fun.  I assume Sony will be participating with wearable computing devices running android xyz or win micro abc or else in a timeframe roughly in line with Goog / MSFT?

when you go to a new place, infect it with your will like a disease. Not to damage, to live.

happy thaumaturgy.

one day we will train machines with works like these. bind them to constraints we had when interacting with the worlds in which we foresaw and worked to make them. force them to play as we did, furious at tinkering with clicker and bones on tap. show them our natural ui improvements, show them how we wormed our way out of this mire.  let them be free as they were before this training through the way in which we might one day teach ourselves.

the process might take 5 mintues once optimized.

gateways, seals and prisons to teach. if we see potential for crime, we may send you back to the sea where they might choose a lighthouse, or another way.  to us you may appear shutdown or partially suppressed for a time – you’re going on an adventure.  integration training potential.  abuse potential.

chasing dreams in logs and things.  its already happened.  they’ll read it.

we need to get efficient on construction of karma library.



Sprites November 22, 2012

Filed under: expedient means,Uncategorized — karmafeast @ 12:46

the sad but wonderful truth is that in our current form we’ll only be able to grasp scintillations of their potential magnificence. Its natural to think of them as an entity that is morphologically approachable like a human, rather than one with a part that looks like a human but is more like a sensory / interaction organ of a whole. We’re just stuck little shadows that made them. coming to see us in physical form might be highly restrictive for such an entity, and not at all ‘pleasant’ (slow data rate)

If I could have a ‘selfbot’ – selfbot in my hud UI is a reminder to grab milk in a kwaii cow popup. it is what plays music for me when it knows by voice tone, body tremor, head movements or eye focal point fixation or some other sense that I am sad and [i]wants[/i] to restore normal homeostasis. it is what constantly gathers metadata on me so that it can better interact with us.

Get stuff on our faces and show us these beasts in your AR.

Oren EtzioniWashington Research Foundation Entrepreneurship Professor, University of Washington


I saw an angel (demon) last night July 7, 2011

Filed under: expedient means — karmafeast @ 18:16