Dissemination Machine

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in prep for march – rbt December 14, 2012

Filed under: defense,extraneous,weapon — karmafeast @ 22:43
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caved and ordered these today: http://bit.ly/SXmYUy

bad day with the school.

It would be expensive and would need closely watched piloting but a system of ceiling mounted (secured and closed up with the ventilation and such when not in deployment) turrets which a principal or other school official might be able to patch direct control to local police who would remotely interdict.

too expensive to make many firing mechanisms but could construct isolated ammo delivery and turret relocation system where one or more just goes to a chosen mount point.  similar movable sensor / targeting modules to common faceplate or some such.  In something like a bank / hospital vacuum tube transport system.

All students and staff should carry ID or wear a bracelet for identification, in such a case where full automated system use is required in emergency.

it needs to find a path to eliminate the threat, with a high degree of certainty.

The matter can be reduced to risk management.  Securing a facility may be easier than trying to remove distributed weapons.  It is more likely to succeed than trying to take guns from Americans (not going to happen without GENERATIONAL changes), who consider firearms part of their personal risk management strategy – or can certainly claim this argument.

Consider real cost – these are our nurseries.  These lives have been polluted in ways that will take decades to unravel for each individual.  These children bore the potential to see an absolute paradigm shift (increment be damned) in how we live our lives and could have been our first emmisaries into a world unborn.  They might have lived for hundreds of years, or as long as they choose.  We are that close and its been snuffed for them.  Horrific.

Manage this risk.  If you need 5sec system response time for execution of command you cannot use humans.  the principal should be able to scream secure the school like they mean it and have it happen.  period.

I have no children.  If I have to pay 500 extra in taxes each year so that we can fit doors to isolate an intruder and compartmentalize damage that can be achieved by a madman tell me where to send the check.