Dissemination Machine

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an IT Tartarus…bleak…unending December 2, 2010

Troublesome issues right now… 20h days sometimes ><  Today OCS.

Fixed messed internal addressbook settings value.  not easily searched for by me, most everything talking of external not internal.  Want to keep note of it.

Its not where you’d bloody expect it to be, with the external one in MSFT_SIPAddressBookSetting.

It’s instead in MSFT_SIPDataMCUCapabilitySetting for reasons that sort of make sense but nonetheless have not been kindly placed for the administrator in WMI (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd146468(v=office.13).aspx).

The next version, lync, is to do away with this and other nonsese – or at least change it – and will have a central config DB which pushes out to OCS servers and they all have a copy.  One place to config, less chance of doing something like forgetting to put in a damned url (or having it change) at install for where stuff is / named.  There will likely be supplementary stuff for this and other aspects of the product that can be improved upon and exploited for other function such as automated response based on desired system stance (read new OCS lync Helper Service).