Dissemination Machine

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Google Apps Reporting API Client for .NET rewrite January 21, 2011

Google apps reporting API Client for .NET v1.0.1 as published by google is not in a usable state. It is a single non-compiled .cs file which outputs to a console application. You could not use this in any kind of real application and it does absolutely no more than showing an example of how to obtain data.

I am attempting to get it into an enterprise usable state and make that work available to the larger community.

My goal is to make it very simple to pull reporting data from ga and provide a multithreaded job runner system for execution of report queries with flexible output capabilities.

this will take me some time as I’m kept rather busy at work.

It is up (http://code.google.com/p/reporting-client-net-redo/).  Well an early alpha of it is.  Lots to be done… check out the project issues page.  I’ve only had a week and a half (not full time) on this but it’s already far better than the one Google posts on their API site.